
Fix portainer-agent restart loop

For I while I’ve had two Docker hosts on my home network, one with Portainer installed and the other one with portainer-agent, to be able to have a single webinterface to manage both.

Portainer Logo

The one hosting Portainer has always had watchtower installed, in order to automate the upgrade of all containers, the second one did not. Once I realized it, I setup watchtower on it as well, and that’s when issues begun.

The issue

portainer-agent would enter a restart-loop, filling the logs with entries such as:

2021/10/31 07:53:21 [INFO] [main] [message: Agent running on Docker platform]
2021/10/31 07:53:21 [ERROR] [main,docker] [message: Unable to retrieve local agent IP address] [error: Error: No such container: 6d3437033dce]

The weird thing is that it was mentioning container 6d3437033dce, while portainer-agent was running as 9bf8b8a94d03.

I suspected it was due to something watchtower was doing when recreating containers after pulling the latest version.

A few searches later, I ended up finding this GitHub issue for portainer-agent, where jackman815 found that the issue was related to the way watchtower assigns the same hostname to the new containers.

I found the problem is about the watchtower, it clones the container configs included hostname when upgrading the container.

When upgrade/re-create the container, by default the docker daemon will assign a new hostname to the container and update internal dns, but the watchtower won’t update the container hostname after the container upgrade so the agent will try to look up the old hostname and it would be getting nxdomain result by docker internal dns.

The solution

As suggested in that issue, the solution is assigning a static hostname to the portainer-agent container.

To do so, stop and delete the old container, then re-create it with the --hostname option.

docker stop portainer_agent
docker rm portainer_agent
docker run -d -p 9001:9001 --name portainer_agent --hostname portainer_agent --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/docker/volumes:/var/lib/docker/volumes portainer/agent:latest

Of course you’ll have to adjust the container name/hostname to match your setup.


Podcast chapters and Ableton Live

TL;DR Extract markers timestamps from Ableton Live .als project files into .cue files to generate podcast chapters with als2cue.

I’ve been recording and publishing podcasts for almost 10 years, and for most of the last decade I’ve been using Ableton Live to record and edit them. I was already familiar with Live from my “deejay period”, when I approached EDM music production, so it felt natural to keep using the tool I already knew.

The rise of podcast chapters

In the last few years, adding chapters to podcast files has become mainstream. It is very handy for listeners to jump around within an episode to reach the section they’re interested in. Heck, I even added automatic chapter listings to the CMS I developed for my podcast network (see an example in this episode, look at the “Capitoli” section).

But while it is great for listeners, the same cannot be said for podcasters. It requires significant effort to place and name chapters by hand, and I needed to automate the process a bit to make it doable without investing too much time in it.

Ableton Live Markers Locators

Ableton Live includes a great feature, Locators, to help mark sections of an arrangement. I add them while recording to mark roughly when we changed topics, then during editing I fine tune their location.

Screenshot of Ableton Live project with many locators

The thing is, when you export an .aiff file from Live, you don’t get the position of each marker in the file’s metadata like you do in Logic Pro, and my mp3 encoding app of choice, Forecast, cannot automatically insert chapter markers in the .mp3 file.

Extracting Locators from .als project files

Digging around, I found out that Ableton Live’s .als project files are basically just zipped xml files.

I then wrote a Python script that takes the .als file as input, and spits out a .cue file containing all the timestamps. Why a .cue file, you ask? That’s because Podcast Chapters, an amazing Mac app by Fredrik Björeman, supports .cue files to create chapters, which can then be named easily through its GUI.

It has worked great for me for more than a year, but it is not really user friendly.

My brother needed to edit an episode of another podcast, and it was just too cumbersome to have him run the Python script, so I decided to build a really simple web interface around my script: als2cue_web was born.

als2cue_web, who dis?

The web app is available for everyone to use at, it just asks you to upload a .als and returns a .cue file with each locator’s timestamp.

Screenshot of als2cue_web
als2cue_web’s sophisticated, hand-crafted interface in all its glory

It is open source, and thus can be easily self hosted. It is available from my Github repo (pull requests welcome!) and as a ready-to-use Docker image, lucatnt/als2cue_web, you just need to expose port 80 of the container to a local port.